Specializing in quality home care in Wellesley and the Eastern Massachusetts area for over 27 years.

Senior Care News

Can Seniors Get Fit and Stay Active with Chronic Health Issues?

Sometimes seniors with chronic health issues think that they can’t stay active or get fitter because of limitations with their health. They may be able to do more than they think, however.
Home Care Wellesley MA - Can Seniors Get Fit and Stay Active with Chronic Health Issues?
Home Care Wellesley MA - Can Seniors Get Fit and Stay Active with Chronic Health Issues?

Seniors are more likely to lose muscle tone as they age. Just being less active in general can cause them to lose fitness, but then factor in chronic health conditions as well, and they can face a variety of challenges with overall wellness. Seniors may want to make some changes to their overall fitness levels, but jumping straight into an exercise routine isn’t necessarily the way to go. Finding ways to get fit and become more active may well be possible, especially with help from home care providers.

Talk with Healthcare Providers First

Before seniors try any new physical activity plans, they should always talk to their doctors. That’s true even if they don’t have chronic health issues. However, chronic health issues may require seniors to avoid certain activities or follow specific recommendations. Talking with medical providers before getting started helps seniors avoid potential pitfalls related to getting started with moving more.

Consider Physical Therapy

In some cases, seniors may want to start with something more structured, like physical therapy. This offers them support with specific challenges while also supporting them with becoming more physically active. Physical therapy can help seniors learn how to manage chronic health conditions like arthritis while moving more, too. Physical therapists work with each patient to outline a plan of action that meets their needs and keeps them from injuring themselves because of exercise.

Listen to How They Feel

As seniors become more physically active, they need to learn to listen to what their bodies are telling them while they exercise. The old saying that if there’s no pain, then there is no gain is a harmful one to believe. If seniors experience pain or discomfort, then they may be working out too hard for their current abilities. Exercising within their limitations helps seniors to stay as safe as possible while they move more.

Ramp Plans Up Slowly

Getting started quickly is not the way to go for most seniors, especially if they also have chronic health issues. Elder care providers can help seniors establish routines that allow them to gradually increase their physical activity as they can do so. Taking their time helps seniors avoid injuries as they exercise more, particularly if they have chronic health issues related to joint pain.

Home Care Wellesley MA - Can Seniors Get Fit and Stay Active with Chronic Health Issues?
Home Care Wellesley MA – Can Seniors Get Fit and Stay Active with Chronic Health Issues?

Keep Follow-up Appointments with Home Care Assistance

Part of the process involves attending follow-up appointments with healthcare providers, including physical therapists if seniors choose that route. These appointments help make sure that everything seniors are trying works well for them. Checking in with healthcare providers makes it easier to monitor what is happening with health issues and physical fitness so that seniors can make adjustments when they need to.

Chronic health issues don’t have to hold seniors back from becoming more physically active and regaining fitness. Home care providers can be there to offer support along the way, ensuring seniors eat well to support their new activity levels and watching for signs of over-exertion. Taking things slowly and approaching exercise the right way helps to reduce injuries and helps seniors to enjoy the process.


If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Services in Wellesley MA, please get in touch with the caring staff at Care Resolutions, Inc. today. (508) 906-5572

CARE Resolutions, Inc. provides quality 24-Hour Home Care for seniors and families in Walpole, Dover, Wellesley, Framingham, Norfolk, Quincy, Weston, Medfield, Boston, Sherborn MA, and surrounding areas.

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